I hazard to say this will be the most historic year I have yet lived through. It is scary to write that, as it is only mid-October and there is time yet for things to become more memorable.
January and February seem decades ago with the simple excitement of the Democratic primary. Then Covid-19 and the inept response from the Trump administration leading to a year's worth of death, social isolation, and economic suspension here at home. As the months have gone, by add to that mass protests against racist police brutality, the west coast catching on fire, the death of RBG, and now a general election where we're fighting to keep the US from falling further into fascism.
During this all, I've barely written. I've written in my own journals, but scaled back writing publicly. Four years ago in the last presidential election, I was writing and arguing regularly, but now, not so much. Retweeting or reposting the works of others, but less to say myself.
Perhaps it's that the divides have solidified. I certainly don't feel it's worth arguing with anyone who is still a Trump supporter at this point. The few acquaintances I had who voted for Trump were cut out of my life a good while ago. The only person I've talked to this year who I know voted for Trump in 2016 is my grandfather.
There is still a good amount of debate between the left and the liberals, or between the mods and the progs here in San Francisco, and I'm happy to listen to all those sides when deciding on ballot propositions and the like. Still, I'm not out there arguing. I have more and more disagreements with the local political groups, and feel less a part of any of them. Here in SF, I find myself to the left of SF YIMBY and to the right of the DSA. I've been a member of the Sierra Club for a decade plus, but here in SF they've become a hypocritical anti-environmental org for wealthy pastoralists. Hell, I'm even irritated by an organization as focused on the Bicycle Coalition over their endorsements or lack thereof in this race. Fights over ideological purity and personal grudges make local politics a painful investment.
I do regret being more passive than I would like while history is happening. I could be out at more protests, more involved with political organizations. Maybe it's just the social isolation of sheltering in place and rarely seeing or talking with anyone in person. Maybe this is just what happens in a pandemic.
With national politics, there are some parallels, but the story is different. Within my wider social circle there is some divide in opinion, but a fraction of what I see locally. Biden wasn't in my top five choices for the Democratic primary, but in fighting against Trump and the GOP I can't say I lack for enthusiasm in this fight. While I am writing less, I am spending more time volunteering with get out the vote efforts and donating more than I was four years ago.
The Republican Party must be destroyed. The Trump administration has taken the mask off and shown the authoritarian drive of the GOP. If this election goes well, and it is such a blue wave that we can keep Trump and his lackey judges from stealing the election, I have a slight amount of hope that the Democrats will take thing seriously enough to make fundamental changes to erase the conservative biases in our government. If we don't, and there is another economic depression and the Republicans come back in 2022 like they did in 2010, there won't be much of a future to America. Gerrymandering, packed courts, and voter suppression could stomp out any hope for free elections in this country for a generation.
If the Democrats take the Senate and the Presidency, we have a chance. We should end the filibuster, pass HR1, work on adding six to twelve Democratic leaning states to the Union, increase the size of the House, increase the size of the federal court system, and add six members to the Supreme Court. I'm doubtful we'll do all that, but I have some hope that we'll do at least a part. Any part of this wish list would be more than we've done in my lifetime.
First we have to get there. If the election is close enough that the Republicans can attempt to steal the presidency or any Senate seat, I believe they will try. In fifteen days we will have to be ready to fight to keep them from throwing out the votes they don't like, and to force Trump to accept the election results.
Here's hoping the rest of the year doesn't become that historic and that Americans don't have to learning the meaning of the word "autogolpe".